Company name: SOGIP
- Head office: 19 boulevard Jean Moulin - Flayosc 83780 - France
- RCS: 332835388
- Legal form: SARL
- Intracommunity VAT number: 332835388
- Professional card T n° CPI83022019000042089
- Prefecture issuing the professional card: CCI DU VAR
- Capital: €640,000
- Financial guarantee fund: ALLIANZ
- Financial guarantee amount: €0
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- Address of the mediator site: *
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La Boite Immo is a SAS with a capital of €1,009,950, registered under the SIRET number 509 551 339 00062
- Head office address: 57 Chemin de La Maunière 83400 Hyères-les-Palmiers
- Phone number: +33 4 94 354 354
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Editorial content
The Website offers editorial content (guides, news) for documentary and informational purposes only. This content should be taken as food for thought. Users are invited by the Publisher to use this information with a critical mind and discernment.
Classified Ads Service
The Publisher makes continuous efforts in terms of human, technical and financial resources to provide a professional quality Classified Ads service for the Users of the Website. Despite its efforts, the Publisher cannot be held liable for any involuntary error on its part that may result in the lack of accuracy, reliability, relevance, completeness or timeliness of the information inserted in the "Classified Ads" service of the Website. The same applies to the legal availability of the goods mentioned in the ads.
Simulation Services
The Users of the Website have at their disposal "simulators" allowing them to easily carry out a certain number of calculations. These simulation services are only intended to provide an approximate estimate of the calculated values. The results cannot be guaranteed to be exact, and the user will use these calculations with a critical mind and discernment.
Hypertext links to third party sites
The Website offers hypertext links pointing to websites published by third parties. The inclusion of these links does not imply the Publisher's endorsement of the content of these websites. The Publisher cannot permanently control the content of these websites, and therefore cannot guarantee: the accuracy, reliability, relevance, updating, or completeness of their content; their access and proper technical functioning. Consequently, the Publisher cannot be held liable in the event of any dispute between a website referenced on the Website and a User. Only the liability of the publishers of the websites referenced on the Website can be engaged.
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The Website collects personal information provided by Users during their visit to the Website. This collection allows for:
The establishment of general statistics on traffic on the Website; Sending answers, various information or announcements from the Publisher to the email addresses provided by Users. The collection and processing of personal information on the Internet must be done in compliance with the fundamental rights of individuals. Therefore, the Publisher commits to a processing policy in compliance with the law n°2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for the confidence in the digital economy.
User rights
Any User of the Website has the right to access, modify, rectify or delete personal data concerning him/her. To exercise these rights, Users can contact the Publisher at the contact details indicated at the top of the page. To facilitate the exercise of these rights, Users of the Website can unsubscribe by clicking on the hypertext unsubscribe links present in the emails sent. Cookies
When Users connect to the Website's servers, their hard drive receives one or more very light text files commonly called "Cookies". Cookies record information relating to the navigation on the Website carried out from the computer on which the "cookie" is stored (the pages consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc.). They allow to identify the successive visits made from the same computer. People connected to the Website have the freedom to oppose the registration of "cookies". To do so, they can use the corresponding functionalities on their browser.
However, the Publisher draws the Users' attention to the fact that, in such a case, access to certain services of the Website may be altered or even impossible.
Link to the Publisher's Personal Data Management Policy:
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The Publisher undertakes to take all legal and technical measures to secure exchanges. In this respect, the Publisher undertakes to use all reasonable means to block data misappropriation and to comply with applicable regulations. However, Users of the Website are aware of the technical specificities of the Internet network and the associated risks. Consequently, the Publisher cannot guarantee to its Users that the data exchanged via the services offered by the Website will not be fraudulently collected by third parties.
Intellectual Property Rights
The Publisher holds rights concerning certain data protected by the Intellectual Property Code. This is particularly the case for its trademark(s), its graphic charter and its database. Consequently, their offline or online exploitation, free of charge or for a fee, of all or part of this data without the express consent of the Publisher is prohibited.
Availability of Servicess
The Publisher has an obligation of means in terms of accessibility of service and sets up the necessary structures to make the Website accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. However, the Publisher may suspend access without notice, particularly for reasons of maintenance and upgrades. The Publisher shall not be liable in any way for any damage that may result therefrom for the User or any third party. The Publisher may at any time delete all or part of its Services or modify their content, in particular for technical reasons, and without notice. The Publisher reserves the right to refuse, unilaterally and without prior notification, to any User access to all or part of the Website. Such a decision could be taken, in particular, in the event of a User's failure to comply with the terms of this text.
Applicable Law
This text is subject to French law. The Publisher reserves the right to amend its terms, conditions and warnings at any time.